Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 1 & 2

Tuesday began bright and early to finish packing.  We managed to cram everything into 1 checked luggage and 2 carry-ons…  now that I'm thinking about it though, we probably should've checked 2 bags in case we wanted to bring stuff home.

Our trip began with a drive to Pearson Airport.  On the ramp to Terminal 1, some jerk decided to change 3 lanes into the fast lane and then slam on the brakes to stop right in front of us - there was a guy hanging out of the passenger side window with a video camera (guess they were filming something).  We slammed on the brakes and just narrowly missed rear-ending them.  Dave pulled up beside them and freaked out on them and instead of apologizing, they yelled back!  Jerks.

So it turns out Honeymooners do get special treatment.  At the United Airlines check in desk, we were bumped up 10 rows (5 inches of more leg room) on our flight to Washington after mentioning that we were on our honeymoon.  The flight was relatively short but we still appreciated the extra room.  Here's a pic of us on the plane:

Ok, so let me rephrase now, Honeymooners get special treatment depending on who you talk to :)  At the South African Airlines check in, we mentioned the honeymoon thing again but didn't get anything.  Boo.  Our seats ended up being pretty good though, front half of the plane with window/aisle seats.  This flight was about 18 hours including a 1 hour stop in Dakkar.  Slept through most of the last leg after Dakkar.  Here's a pic of us waiting in Dakkar:

Today we arrived safely in Johannesburg.  After checking in, we had a surprisingly CHEAP dinner at the hotel pub.  I ordered a Club Sandwich with a Ginger Ale and Dave ordered Fish & Chips with a beer -- $22 CAD after taxes and tips!  Pretty crazy huh?

Tomorrow morning, we catch a flight on a small propeller plane for Hoedspruit to start our Safari!!!!


  1. YAY! Welcome to blogging! Don't worry about having a second suitcase. Just buy one when you get there :)Have a great trip and keep us posted :)

    Happy Bday Yvonne!


  2. it's a good thing you were able to fit everything into 1 checked-in bag. you can just buy another suitcase to store all the souvenirs for me! yay!

    happy birthday!!!

  3. Yeah, we're probably going to buy a second suitcase - esp if we have to fit a lion in there for depalma ...
