Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 6

Our last game drive proved to be a very exciting one!  We started out looking for elephants and found them, but they were too far into the bush for us to get near them.

A little way up the road, we stopped for coffee and then received a radio call that the 4 lionesses that we were tracking the other night were spotted.  We quickly ended our coffee break and started off in the direction.  When we got to the spot, we saw 3 giraffe running across a field - we couldn't see because of the grass, but apparently a lion was chasing them!  Then suddenly we saw a warthog run past us into the bush at lightning speed and shortly after it, we saw a lion disappear into the bush!  We drove around bush area and found the lion with it's warthog kill.  It was pretty amazing to see.

Since this was our last game drive with our ranger, John, and tracker, Stanley at the River Lodge, we snapped a quick pic with them.

We flew out of Hoedspruit and into Joburg and then caught a connecting to Cape Town.  The descent into Cape Town was a beautiful sight.  We were able to see Table Mountain from above and could also see the coast.  Unfortunately our camera started acting up just after our game drive, so I wasn't able to get any pictures.  Maybe on the way out though...

We were picked up at the airport by our hotel, Derwent House Boutique Hotel.  It was pretty neat to see someone holding up a sign with out names on it :)

When we checked into the hotel, we were pleased to find that they upgraded us to a larger suite at no extra cost b/c we were on our honeymoon!  Yay!  I fiddled with the camera in our room and was able to get it working again.

Tomorrow we explore Cape Town!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the tip...i am going to use the honeymoon story on ALL my vacations!
