Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 5

It was a spectacular morning as we were lucky to wake up to a herd of Nyala grazing just outside our balcony window.

During the game drive, our tracker spotted a Leopard in the distance.  He tried to position the jeep in a way so that we could all get a look at it but ended up getting the jeep stuck on a rock.

We eventually got loose and continued our drive (the Leopard ended up running away because we probably scared it off with all the noise we were making).  We came upon a baby rhino with it's mother.  Our ranger said the baby was about 8 - 9 months old.

We also found the two Lions we saw the other day with the half eaten warthog carcass.  You could see from the male lion's belly that they probably finished off that warthog :)

On our way back to the lodge, we came across some giraffe and snapped some pics.

Back at our room we found a warthog grazing outside our balcony!

Just after lunch, I had some time to go back to the spa to see if the Hippo was still there.  Lucky me it was!  I also took some pics of the spa.

On our evening game drive we saw a male leopard as well as the lions that we spotted earlier.

Tomorrow morning will be our last game drive then we're off to Cape Town!

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