Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 12 & 13

Yesterday we said good-bye to Derwent House and Cape Town.  Before we left, I thought I'd snap a few pics of the Nelson Mandela artwork that the hotel had up.  These are a limited set of signed lithographs of sketches that Nelson Mandela drew entitled "My Robben Island".

We had a long way to go to get home.  Total travel time was about 31 hours from  Cape Town Airport to Pearson Airport.  Thankfully we were both able to get some sleep during the last leg from Dakar to Washington.

We were able to meet up with Anita, Craig, Nevan, and Nylah at Dave's parents house to see their Halloween costumes.  Nevan was a dinosaur and Nylah was a strawberry!  So Cute!!

Well … that's a wrap - for now :)  Till next time!

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