Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 7

After waking up every morning at 5am for game drives at Kapama, we were finally able to sleep in till 8am this morning.  Waking up to the view from our room was a treat.

We decided that we would go down to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront today to explore and have lunch.  The walk took almost an hour but it was mostly downhill so it was pretty easy.  The harbour is beautiful and very picturesque.

We took a 30 minute harbour boat tour which gave us some great views of the harbour from the water (including seals!) as well as a bit of history of some of the buildings.

We had lunch at a Belgian restaurant: Mussels and Lobster Bisque - yum!

By the time we started walking back, we could see a cloud starting to roll over Table Mountain - the locals call it a table cloth.  When we got to our room (an hour up hill!), the top of the mountain was completely covered - pretty spectacular!

Tomorrow we go whale watching :)

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